A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Lose yourself in the relaxing solarpunk breeze of Re:Fresh, a 3D exploration-platformer game where you play as a robot collecting materials to help repair your town after a torrential storm. Explore at your own pace in the open-ended environment and collect solar cells to upgrade your movement options, forging your own path to get the town up and running again.

Estimated demo playtime: 30 minutes - 1 hour.

Follow us on Twitter for updates!


Move - WASD
Camera - Mouse
Run - Left Shift
Jump/Solar Jump - Space
Dash - F
Interact - E
Journal - Tab
Advance dialogue/select option - Space

Using a gamepad (Xbox preferred) is strongly recommended!

*PC Build only*

If you're able, please consider filling out our feedback form!



Will Sords - Audio Designer 

Karina Teruya - Lead Artist

Ethan Godwin - Lead Level Designer

Connor Blankenship - Systems Designer & Gameplay Programmer

Joseph Horak  - Systems Designer & Narrative Scripter

Melody Geiger - Producer & Setdresser

All third party assets used in the development of this project can be viewed here: https://tinyurl.com/ReFreshAssets



Re:Fresh Mac Build (OUTDATED) 406 MB
Re:Fresh_Demo_Windows 465 MB

Install instructions

Please be aware that the version available on itch is an outdated demo. For the full game, please check us out on Steam ^-^ Thanks so much for playing Re:Fresh, and we hope you enjoy! 

- Merge Conflict

Development log


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Hello! Thank you for submitting this to the Just Play Jam. Can you please fill out our Game Submission form? We need this form to be filled out so that our jurors can properly evaluate your project. 


Thank you!

-JPJ Team

wondering if you could let us play this in/on browser/web???

right now our focus is finishing before our steam launch on the 24th, unfortunately we can't promise a web build at this time :( 

oh ok! do you think you could make a web version after you release it on steam??? i play things on chromebook so i cant do  much- i hope this isn't too much to ask!

also sorry late reply


This game is one of the best games I have played. Fantastic art. But, there are a few problems, like I still dunno how to climb the windmill and get the solar cell and all but that might be only me. All in all, this game is really great.

Thanks so much for the support! We really appreciate it. We hope you'll check out the full release on Steam :)


This is so charming! Seeing this game now compared to a few months, how much you guys have achieved is incredible!


this is a nice game!! I don't have many complaints other than the camera sensitivity is two high, and the controls confused me bc the controls on screen were for controllers!! also please add a settings menu!! other than that lovely game!! the art is super pretty!!


Absolutely fantastic game, everyone should give it a try. Lovely art and music, also runs very well. I had a blast!